Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Broken arm???

Our little danger girl is at it again.
I've waited to post anything about this because I wanted to have something concrete to write about instead of conjecture before I gave everyone the details.
Last Thursday (almost a week now) Jon took the kids to the park. When they returned he showed me Caitlin's arm. She had fallen off of the monkey bars and landed on her wrist. It was swollen, scratched and already bruising. She was holding her arm with her other hand. So we were concerned that it might be broken. Since we weren't sure we decided to wait and see how she reacted at home and take her in the next morning if nothing had changed.
That night she cried quite a bit and we ended up giving her some Tylenol.
The next morning I called the nurse and was waiting on a call from her when Caitlin decided to get mad at her brother over something and punched him a good one with that hand.
She MUST be fine. So I canceled the appointment and we went on with life. 
Then, of course, that weekend she started babying it again. 
A doctor friend was visiting us and she poked around and moved everything and said she was quite sure it was just sprained.
Now that a week has gone by we can see that she is fine.
After the first night she hasn't complained except when she wants something. She can be a bit dramatic. She certainly knows how to milk the situation. Poor us when she gets old enough to know the benefits of this. =)

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