Friday, December 27, 2013


Christmas was really low key and relaxing this year. At least for Jon and I. The kids were a bit crazy and excited. 
We bought Dominic a new bike this year. He's growing (silly kid won't stop) and was begging for a bike with gears. So Jon and I splurged and got him a new mountain bike with gears.

He was a little dramatic in his excitement. =)
Caitlin's gifts weren't as large, but she was just as happy.
Even kitty got a special treat.
We had a special Christmas dinner. We'd planned to have some guests over for lunch and I forgot when Christmas was =) and waited too long to ask them. Someone beat me to it. Since it was only a few days before Christmas we decided to just relax and spend some family time together.
We MIGHT have stayed in our pjs all day. It was wonderful!

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