Sunday, May 16, 2010

Caitlin's weight and nail polish

Dominic came up to me with a sewing tape measure and said "I sized Caitlin and she weighs 15 to 16 pounds a dollar."

Jon met us at T-Ball last week on the motorcycle and we went out to eat afterwards. Dominic wanted Jon to drive the silver car and me ride the motorcycle home so he could spend some time with Daddy.
"But Dominic I can't drive the motorcycle home. I don't have my license."
"But why not Mommy? Is it because you are a girl?"
I was rather disturbed and set out to correct his myths about women. =)
After a bit of a debate I think I convinced him that girls can do anything that boys can do, even race cars and ride motorcycles. But I had to ask -
"Dominic, is there anything boys can't do that girls can?"
"Yeah, wear nail polish." It was a good thing I was laughing because I'm wasn't sure how to answer that one.

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