Sunday, January 11, 2015

Animals and Careers

Wednesday - Career Day

Caitlin wanted to be a vet "just like Ms. Tamorah". Dr. Tamorah is a friend of ours and the mommy to Caitlin's best friend. Caitlin has seen her in scrubs, but usually she sees her in regular clothes with a lab jacket. So that is what inspired her outfit. It took her almost half an hour to pick out the perfect shoes to go with the outfit. :/

Dominic is rather obsessed with all things Legos. His dream job would be to have a real job being paid to play with Legos. So he has learned everything he can about Lego professionals.
If you look closely, you will notice that my son didn't even get through breakfast before getting dirty. There really isn't such a thing as a clean boy in our house. It's just varying degrees of dirty.

The pic from school

Thursday - Animal Day

Dominic wanted to be an owl just like the one that came in his stocking this year.

Caitlin and I saw a picture of a girl dressed very similar online while we were looking for ideas. I was all for it, since it was so easy to implement.
 Caitlin's class, minus one.
Friday is always pajama day. And for some reason I didn't get pictures of that. You would think that would be the easiest and least stressful morning since they don't have to get dressed. But sadly that isn't the case. So pajama day we were almost late for school.

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