Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Family Reunion

A couple of weeks ago we drove to Missouri for my grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary.
It was more like a family reunion with all of my aunts and uncles there.
It was a really long drive for only one day of visiting, but I'd do it again just to see my family.
I'm sure most people feel this way, but I have the coolest family. I haven't laughed that much in a long time.
These pictures are a bit washed out. Quite a few didn't turn out at all. I'd hoped to have pictures of all of my aunts and uncles, but it didn't matter how I turned the sun was in my face.

My Uncle James and Kathy
Uncle Don and Lisa
My parents
Aunt Linda with my cousin Larry.
He came to take pictures of everyone for the event.
It was so sweet of him to fly all that way just to take pictures.
My sweet grandparents!
My grandparents with their six children.
On the left - Linda, Virginia, Bob
On the right - Don, David, James

Happy Anniversary to the coolest grandparents!

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