Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

2011 has been a really good year for us. In looking back through the blog posts I kept noticing how many times I mentioned how fun, precious and awesome my kids were. The words were probably a bit different each time, but the sentiment was the same. I love and enjoy my children.

It's so easy sometimes to get caught up in the moment of chores, discipline and stress. But almost every post is about how wonderful my kids are. Since most months I average a post about every other day I think I can safely say that there are more good than bad or even average days.

We've had some major highlights. If you are a regular reader than these might bore you. But I think they are worth mentioning.

*Dominic broke his wrist, but handled it like a trouper. He is now back to swinging wildly from high places.

*Caitlin's language skills are improving greatly which leads to some pretty funny things.

*Dominic started school in August and is LOVING it.

*Both of the kids had fun birthdays and alternately made me happy and sad that they are growing up so quickly.

*We've visited quite a bit with our extended family. And while some of them have left us this year, we are very grateful for the time we got to spend with them. We cherish each moment and are thankful that God has blessed us so much. We truly have an awesome family.

There are many more things I could mention. But I just wanted to write a post saying how thankful I was for this past year. It was amazing, but I know that 2012 will be even better!

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