Sunday, November 11, 2012


We had a really great Halloween this year. Dominic and Caitlin loved their outfits. Both outfits were chosen with their future play time in mind.

It was a busy evening, but the kids were amazing and proved once again that I have the best kids in the world. We went to a friend's nursing home right after Jon got off work. 

After a quick supper and stops at a couple of neighbor's houses we split up.
Jon went to Pathfinders and the kids and I met some friends and went to a church party.
These are the only two decent pictures I was able to get before my camera died.

I was impressed with the time and thought that went into this party. We felt safe and had tons of fun. Since the kids weren't given candy until leaving it was nice not to have a huge amount of sugar-induced crazies running around too. =)

But what made the day so great was how well behaved my kids were. I was a little worried since I was going to be alone essentially with Jon at Pathfinders. But they were great and made me so proud.

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