Friday, November 30, 2012


I am the world's worst procrastinator. Several months ago I decided to do an advent calendar this year. And that is as far as it went. Tonight I remembered that I'd wanted to do one and panicked. I hit the internet and found that there are quite a few that are based on actions instead of little prizes. Since I was so late to the game this would work perfect. 

I don't want my children to think that Christmas is all about gifts for them. I want them to remember that we are celebrating Christmas as a remembrance of Christ's birth and to enjoy each and every aspect of the season and not just the gifts.

Here is my last minute advent calendar using whatever I could find in the craft closet. I'm not very creative, but was impressed with my last minute project.
 I will try to blog about each day and what we did, but based on past experiences I wouldn't hold my breath on it.

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