Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Promised pictures

Here are the pictures that I promised from the previous blog.

The kids were "helping" me pack up the hotel to move into the house.
Dominic and Caitlin LOVED these trees at the entrance to the hotel. 
For some reason Caitlin kept hugging them.
 Caitlin woke up really early one morning. She was wet and uncomfortable. So after changing her I brought her to our bed. She fell back asleep. She looked so tiny in that huge king bed.
The chaos of my kitchen during moving day. I would unpack several boxes and be excited because I could see the floors/counters again and the movers would unload another bunch of boxes. It was days before I found the cook top again. The rest of the house didn't look any better.
The pavement was hot so Dominic was giving Caitlin a ride on his trike. The picture was so cute. But after I finished taking pictures I made them put shoes on. Couldn't have an doctor visit on moving day.
I had to take these two pictures. We had broken furniture and pictures. Some of my books were badly warped. But the Cheetos and a single flash card were wrapped in triple paper so they wouldn't be harmed. =) Typical of professional movers.

Caitlin was getting into everything and found a package of peanut butter crackers. We didn't realize she'd put them into the dog cage until they were almost gone.
Josie and Sarah were exhausted. Sarah was so tired she laid her head in the water bowl and her head and the blankets were soaked. She slept right through it.

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