Saturday, April 17, 2010

Growing arms

Jon and Dominic were outside and Jon noticed Dominic getting his arms wet with the hose.
“Dominic, what are you doing?”
“I’m watering my arms so they’ll grow.”

Today I grabbed Dominic as he ran past and hugged him. I told him that I wanted some cuddles. As soon as he could wiggle free he went running into his bedroom. He came back with his bear named Cuddles.
“Here mom, will this help you?”

Caitlin loves remotes. Yesterday she saw the remote laying on the coffee table and got so excited. Usually they are kept out of sight in the coffee table drawer. So she ran over and turned on the tv. She then climbed up onto the couch and set the remote beside her. I heard a huge sigh and came over to see her grinning as she watched tv. I'm going to have to keep my eye on this little one. =)

For some reason Dominic stripped from the waist down to go to the bathroom. When he finished, instead of washing his hands, he put his clothes on the steps and climbed inside. I hadn't heard the water come on and this is what I saw when I opened the bathroom door.

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