Monday, October 18, 2010


This morning we were getting ready for our first MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting here in Cookeville. I was afraid that Dominic wouldn't realize until we got there that we weren't going to the one in New Bern anymore. So I was explaining how it would be different.
He asked me what my meeting was about. I told him it was meetings to make me a better mom.
"But Mom, you're already a great mom!"
Man, I love this kid! =)

Speaking of being a great mom -
This morning I put a new shirt on Caitlin. I didn't have any hair clips to match so I pulled out my bow/clip box and quickly made her something to match. Very OCD, I know.
When we got into MOPS so I could drop the kids off I noticed that Dominic had bed head.
Nice! Great mom moment!

Dominic had a very long lunch prayer today. It involved thanking God for just about everything he could think of. "Wow, Dominic. That was a long prayer."
"Yeah, but it wasn't as long as the pastor's"

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