Monday, March 19, 2012

School Presentation

Just in case you didn't know - I'm immensely proud of my little man!
He had a presentation at school and it was precious.
All of the children did so well.
They gave an hour long presentation and it was fun and interesting. I was actually surprised to note the time when they finished. Dominic's reading skills seem to be improving so quickly and it's nice to see him enjoying reading and writing.
Dominic showing off his artwork that went along with his stories.
Dominic was so excited to show his sister his desk and have her sit by him.
It was around the time she use to take naps so he gave her his jacket for a blanket and his elephant that he'd brought for toy day so she could hold something and suck her thumb. He is such a sweet big brother.
 Caitlin eventually got bored and went to play with her friend Charlotte.
Good job, Dominic!

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