Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Thailand Sabbath

There is so much to tell and I want to document every single moment and yet I know I’m going to forget something.
Sabbath morning we all walked or rode the bike to church.  We left our shoes at the door and went inside the sanctuary for our meetings. The children joined us when they were finished with their classes.
I love this picture of some of the shoes. It speaks well to the style of worship and way of living here.
We came home from church and ate lunch. By the way, one of the things that we were excited about coming to Thailand was getting to eat my friend Laura’s food again.
Laura with her dog Carmel

She’s an amazing cook and we missed eating with them when they left.
My kids obviously now share this sentiment.
We rested and then when the weather was a bit cooler (and by this I mean 90 instead of 95 degrees) that evening we headed out for a walk. There is a little piece of property just outside of campus that is being turned into a resort. It still has quite a ways to go in my opinion, but it was nice to walk through it and have our friends show us all of the different plant life (check out my other blog for the plant info).
We weren’t even half way through the walk before our kids faces began to get red. They certainly aren’t use to the heat. Caitlin was tired (she hadn’t taken a nap) and kept asking to be carried.
Dominic was way too busy exploring with his new friends.
I was holding Caitlin when we realized that she was asleep. Normally Caitlin can’t sleep when there is anyone else around. She needs to be in her bed by herself. But poor baby is dead tired.
So Ryan ran the rest of the way home and came back with the bike. I was sweaty and was afraid I’d drop her so I had Jon carry her and I walked the rest of the way home with Laura.
Baby girl slept on the bike until Jon got home and put her in a cool shower.  Pretty sure I've never been tired enough to sleep on a bike.

 Just a random picture of Caitlin. Carmel was panting and she was copying him.

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