Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nylons and a fat tummy

I was going through my pictures and found this. I had meant to blog about it and forgot. It was the weekend of Caitlin’s dedication and all of the grandparents were here. My dad was holding Caitlin
and Dominic was with Jon’s parents. Dominic was playing with a car and was running it up arms and legs and across the pew. He noticed while running his car up Grammy’s leg that it felt funny so he started feeling and noticed that she had some very strange “socks” on. The picture is of him trying to pull her nylons off her leg. He kept asking her why she had those “socks” on and then running his hand up her leg. He tried to pull her skirt up because he wanted to see where the “socks” went. I was afraid she would have a ton of runs by the time church was over. =)
This week we were eating out next to a very large women. Dominic pointed to her and asked me why her tummy was SO big. I knew she could hear Dominic and was a little stumped as to what to say. So I told Dominic that God made her that way, but that it was rude to point. Not sure if this was the correct response, but I was put on the spot a bit.

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