Monday, August 3, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Dominic!!!

At the airport playing with his skate boards and skater dudes.

My little man is growing up so quickly. He's my sweet little boy and I'm
having so much fun being his mommy. Today is his birthday so I wanted to
blog about what a wonderful kid I have. I can't believe what a
difference just a year has made. He is becoming his own little person
and can take care of so many things himself. I decided to make a short
list of some of the things he can do now that he's a big boy of 3 years
old. I'm sure I've forgotten a lot of things, but here goes.

Picks out his clothes every day (with interesting results sometimes)
Gets dressed w/out help, including shoes
Goes potty by himself including flushing the toilet and washing his
Brushes his teeth
Can count to 40 (although he always misses 19)
Sings his ABC's (he knows a few by sight)
Knows the names of the days of the week
Knows his full name and also the full name of everyone in the family
Knows his phone number
Has 10+ books memorized and can "read" them to you
Has quite a few memory verses memorized including the text
Helps me around the house (sweeping, cooking, laundry, setting the
table, etc.)
Can fold clothes and put away all by himself (found this out when he had
emptied his entire dresser and I made him put it all back)

He's a crazy, wonderful boy with a big heart and a wild imagination.
Here are a few examples -Wants to have his own skate board, trick bike &
half pipe here at home
LOVES his little sister and is always looking out for her
Tells long and detailed stories about his life (mostly involving his
trips for skateboarding competitions)
Has another brother and another two sisters (brown and pink Cuddles
(also called Sissy)- his and Caitlin's bears-see previous blog and an
owl named Angel)
Gets concerned if he thinks I might be doing something dangerous and
will pull me back from the street if a big truck is coming. Guess I
might not see it. =)
Sits on the table looking out the window every morning waiting for Daddy
to come out of the garage so he can wave good bye. He has a special wave
and then they sign I love you and blow kisses. SOOO cute!
He sees his guardian angel and told me that he wears white jeans and
white shoes. But mostly he has nakey feet.

He's so precious and I thank God that for the past three years I have
been working at my dream job.
Learning to wink!
Playing with the flashlight.   

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