Friday, April 8, 2011


My sister was on her way through to visit some friends and I convinced her to spend the night with us.
The kids really enjoyed her visit. This morning Dominic convinced her to play soccer and hide & seek.
Then we went to Burger King so the kids could play and we could talk.
It was a bit more eventful than I had planned.

Kami and I were talking and I heard a shriek. Dominic had noticed a skateboard toy that had fallen behind the mesh in the playground. They hadn't gotten kids meals, so some other kid must have lost it. He begged me to please help him get it. I wish I'd taken a before picture.
But this is where it was. It was about 2 feet from the red bubble thing on the left.

Using my long arms and this cardboard crown
 I was able to get this little guy close enough to rescue him.
Only for my son and only because it was a skater dude.

Kami and the kids playing with the crowns.
It was really nice to have a visit with my sister, however brief.

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