Friday, August 13, 2010

Making a Mess

This hotel room isn't child proof. Almost all of the surfaces are low enough that Caitlin can reach everything. And yesterday I was reminded that the cabinets aren't child friendly either. I was in the bedroom and Caitlin was in the living room playing Legos with Dominic. I could still hear him talking, but Caitlin had become very quiet. So I went to investigate.

When I came around the corner Caitlin came running from the kitchen doing her guilty dance. 
This clued me in to proceed into the kitchen.
And this is what I found once I turned the corner into the kitchen. It is mashed potato flakes that I hadn't used before moving here and had to bring with me because the box was open. Guess I won't be using it at all now.
I had to go down to the front desk and ask to borrow a vacuum because the house keeper had already finished with our floor.

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