Thursday, August 12, 2010

Was that a compliment?

My mom came by for the morning to see the kids. I had to drop a few things off at the storage unit and mom sat in the car with the kids to wait. When I got back in she was laughing. It appears that my son is generous with his things, just not very thoughtful with his compliments.

"Grandma, you can borrow my floaties when we go swimming today since I can swim now and you are just my size."
"Thank you, Dominic! That was so sweet of you to offer."
"Well, they might not fit you because your arms are fat."  
(Just for clarification - my mom's arms are not even remotely fat!)
Thankfully my mom took it was a compliment and was laughing when I got in the car. =)

When we got into the pool Dominic and I had great fun telling my mom not to go in the "deep" end because the water would be over her head. It's 5 feet deep. =)

Yesterday we were eating supper and Dominic told us this story - 
"There is a castle not far from here. You just go left and then right and you'll find the castle 
where the princess lives."
"What does she look like Dominic?"
"Well, she has a pink dress, pink gloves and a little pink crown."
"But what color is her hair."
"She doesn't have any hair. She's just like grandpa." (Grandpa shaves his head.)
(This is a picture of my dad and Dominic last year - just so you can picture the princess I'm picturing!)
Dominic ignored our laughter and continued the story - 
"The castle is guarded by 100 100 million soldiers. Do you know where they eat?"
Jon - "Taco Bell"
"No Jesus feeds them."
"Daddy, do you know who feeds the king, queen, prince and princess?"
"I think the queen does."
"No, the queen needs to eat too. Jesus feeds them at a restaurant called Mighty Ship. It has burritos and Chinese food and pop drinks."

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