Wednesday, August 18, 2010

More pics from today!

After Jon got home from work we headed out to see what had changed with the water. Most of the water had receded so Jon could only guess at what I'd see earlier. But I had to include a few of the pictures that I took.

This house was so sad. Apparently this has happened to this couple at least once before. The water was up to the windows when I went by and the water mark was about 3-4 inches higher so it had receded by the time I went by. That means that the water would have been over this lady's head where she's standing right now. It was so sad to see them carrying things out of the house.
We went by to see if they had moved the train. I thought the rush of water had pushed the train over. Apparently it was a bit more complicated. It completely washed away the tracks.

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