Monday, December 13, 2010


It started snowing yesterday and by today we got around 3-4 inches. We continued to have flurries most of the day today. And tomorrow is supposed to be very cold so school is still closed. The kids were so excited that they barely ate any breakfast.
We hadn't intended to go skiing this year so I didn't purchase snow suits for the kids. It was a bit of a struggle to get enough warm clothes between the two. Dominic had outgrown his snowsuit and the only pants I could find had lost the elastic so were safety pinned together. Caitlin couldn't fit into her old snow suit either and so was wearing Dominic's 3T suit. Dominic's boots fit him, but Caitlin's didn't. Dry feet are very critical to a good time in the snow. So I improvised. 
 I put a pair of tights on her and then put small plastic bags over those. Then I put another pair of socks on and a pair of slightly large shoes. When we came in her feet were still warm and dry so it worked. And since I'd tucked everything up into her snow pants the neighbors didn't have to wonder about the weird family. =)
Last week I purchased a sled for my niece who'd requested it for Christmas. Didn't get any for ourselves. Not a good oversight. They are, of course, all sold out now.
So I called and asked when they were getting more in. I then opened my niece's Christmas present and will be buying her another one later this week. =)
Not very many snow pictures since my camera battery died right after we went outside.

I took this picture earlier this morning when I saw the dogs running to the back fence. They only do that when they see deer so I ran to get the camera. It was still snowing so the picture is a bit blurry.

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