Monday, December 13, 2010

Weekend Fun

This weekend we went to my parents house for a quick visit. A friend had invited us to visit a nativity scene that they were in and it was near Nashville. So we thought we would throw in a visit to my parents as well.
I didn't take very many pictures since we weren't there for more than a day.

We went to church with my parents and then after potluck headed to the nativity scene.
My parents were trying to concentrate on the sermon and Caitlin was making it difficult.
Lexi goes to church with my parents most weekends. She was thrilled to sit with her cousins. 
And, of course, her favorite aunt. =)

After we left my parents church we drove to the nativity scene. When we arrived we were shown to seats in the church sanctuary and sat there listening to different choirs until it was our pews turn to be let into the gym where the Bethlehem scene was set up. We waited about an hour. The choirs were okay, but the kids were getting really bored by the time they called us. I was very proud of them for being as patient as they were.
If you look at all of these pictures, Caitlin is wearing her coat. Even if it is very hot she asks to keep it on. She's in love with her new coat.
Then we waited in line to be let into the gym. 

It was a very neat set up with live animals (camels, donkeys and sheep). I'm not sure if it was worth an hour wait, but it was very nicely done. These pictures don't really give a sense of how loud and crowded it was in there. It was an authentic market place - very noisy and busy.

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